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The Holey Square Family
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
One of the simplest geometric
paradoxes with vanishing areas was described by Martin
Gardner in his classic book, Mathematics, Magic and
Mystery, in 1956. The paradox is more than two
centuries old, but it still attracts attention of
puzzlers, mathematicians, and magicians. And that is why
there are dozens of different variations based on its
principle... |
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The Tangramion |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
This is a new assembling puzzle
consisting of seven two-sided tiles which initially form
a perfect square. Using all the seven tiles, you can
solve different challenges both entertaining and
cognitive..." |
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Slant Numbers |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
This is another puzzle of the
2nd World Sudoku Championship held in Prague on
March 28 -- April 1, 2007. It was part of the 2WSC
play-off. Every square cell of a 6x6 square grid is
divided diagonally into two triangle sub-cells (white
and gray)... |
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Playing with Puzzle Classics |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
In the December issue, GAMES
Magazine publishes my article, Playing with Puzzle
Classics, see pages 84-89. It's devoted to different old
puzzles with a modern look on them, and contains a lot
of interesting puzzle materials I've never published
before... |
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Seven Puzzles for G4G7 |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Gathering for Gardner (G4G) is the unique biennial
event founded in 1993 by Gardner fan and puzzle
collector, Tom Rodgers. Getting together in Atlanta, the
World's foremost mathematicians, puzzlers and magicians,
deeply influenced by Martin Gardner's work and life,
bring with them some writings related to the fields of
their interest and prepared specially to honor Martin
Gardner... |
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Puzzle Classics at G4G7 |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Classic puzzles make a substantial
and distinctive part within all puzzles available to
puzzlers in different forms, real and virtual. Many of
them are well-known, and still they hide a lot of
surprises which can lead puzzlers to new and improved
solutions, while puzzle creators can come up with new
challenges and variations... |
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Games |
Loyd, Dudeney and... Galactic Takeover |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
It's amusing to see how things that
were interesting to puzzlers many decades ago look fresh
and attractive today. Of course, they were presented in
a somewhat different manner, but their core is still
appealing to their solvers... |
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Two Oval Stools to a Table |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
This well-known, classic puzzle
with transformation of two oval stools into a circular
table top has long and interesting history. More than
180 years ago, in 1821, John Jackson posed in his book
Rational Amusement for Winter Evenings a puzzle
how to transform a circle into two hollow ovals... |
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