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Dissection Puzzles |
Dissection Puzzles |
This is a very old and popular
class of puzzles in which your goal is either to divide
some 2- or 3-dimensional shape into specified number of
single parts along with some given rule(s), or divide a
given shape so that to transform it into some other
shape. The class of dissection puzzles is incredible
wide, and makes a substantial part of geometry and
stereometry. Also it is a very interesting and often
very important optimizing and technical task with wide
use in engineering, industry, and science.
Every time you will be provided with an exact puzzle
shape(s) and clear instructions what your goal is, but
there are two main, traditional rules for these puzzles:
A. You must fully use the given shape, and its single
parts can be rotated (and sometimes turned over), but no
pieces may overlap each other.
B. When you are asked to rearrange one shape(s) into
another, a better result is when you can get to the goal
having a less number of single parts.
us if you can improve any of these results. |
Four Easter Eggs
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Divide each of the four shapes, the
ring and three circles, into the minimal number of parts
so that they can create four equal eggs. In the final
eggs no two elements of the same color touch each other
even at a corner... |
Puzzles.COM |
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Halloween Cuts |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
A piece of checkered cloth shows
nine letters that spell: H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N. Make three
cuts and obtain four fragments--then a square, using
them, try to form. Trick or Treat!... |
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Break-in-Two |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
A shape consists of square cells.
The object is to divide it into two congruent parts.
They must be identical in size and shape, but you may
rotate them and their outlines can even be reflections
of each other... |
Puzzles.COM |
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Cut the Q |
Peter Grabarchuk |
You have a stylized letter Q. Your
challenge is to cut it into two congruent parts. They
must be the same size and shape, but may be rotated
and/or reflected. Note that your cuts may be done
anywhere, not just along the lines of the diagram... |
Puzzles.COM |
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Two Oval Stools to a Table |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
This well-known, classic puzzle
with transformation of two oval stools into a circular
table top has long and interesting history. More than
180 years ago, in 1821, John Jackson posed in his book
Rational Amusement for Winter Evenings a puzzle
how to transform a circle into two hollow ovals... |
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