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Put-Together Puzzles |
Put-Together Puzzles |
It is the widest and most popular
kind of manipulative puzzles with hundreds of subtypes
and thousands of variations. One of the oldest puzzles
of this kind is the
Stomachion or Loculus of Archimedes
(Archimedes' Box). This is a 2200 year-old, puzzle
masterpiece which was studied by Archimedes, which
allows a lot of different
shapes to assemble of all 14
pieces of the puzzle, and which was hiding nice
surprises in it
discovered just in this century!
I can assume that the first ever put-together puzzle
occurred to an old man when he was trying to get
together something broken into a few pieces, but even
nowadays it is a very effective way for making
put-together puzzles when the whole shape or solid is
divided into some predetermined pieces.
Properties and effect of put-together puzzles can be
described in many different ways, and among them is the
fact that the most puzzling and tricky puzzles often consist
of just a few pieces! |
The Eight Puzzle
Peter Grabarchuk |
The 8 shape can be assembled with
twelve different pieces consisting of four equilateral
triangles each. Can you discover the way how to do that?
You may rotate pieces as you like, but not overlap or
flip them over... |
Puzzles.COM |
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Ten Hearts
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Place twelve pieces within a
rectangular card so that exactly ten hearts appear.
Every heart consists of two halves. Overlapping of the
pieces is not allowed, and no part of hearts must be
left out... |
Puzzles.COM |
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The Marbles & Rows Puzzle |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Put nine square tiles with color
marbles into a 3 x 3 square so that to get nine
horizontal and nine vertical rows of marbles containing
exactly four marbles of four different colors each.
Distances between the marbles and their order in the
rows do not matter... |
Puzzles.COM |
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> |
Serpentine Lines |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Can you determine which three (and
only three!) serpentine lines out of eight given ones
will form (when you stack them together) a full grid?
You may rotate serpentine lines as you like, but you
cannot flip them over... |
Puzzles.COM |
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Fish Crackers |
Serhiy and
Peter Grabarchuk |
This assembling puzzle is published
Gakken Co. Ltd. in their popular Embrain
Series, and manufactured by
Chronos Co. Ltd. The puzzle set consists of nine
funny tiles, and 48 challenges in 5 difficulty levels
are proposed to be solved on the pages of the supplied
booklet. Also, you can play some Flash interactive
challenges of the Fish Crackers at
(here)... |
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The Holey Square Family |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
One of the simplest geometric
paradoxes with vanishing areas was described by Martin
Gardner in his classic book, Mathematics, Magic and
Mystery, in 1956. The paradox is more than two
centuries old, but it still attracts attention of
puzzlers, mathematicians, and magicians. And that is why
there are dozens of different variations based on its
principle... |
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Christmas TriLights |
Serhiy Grabarchuk, Jr. &
Peter Grabarchuk |
The Christmas Tree is decorated
with four color bulbs -- red, yellow, violet, and blue.
Also, you have two more bulbs in each of four colors.
Now your challenge is to add these eight bulbs to those
on the Christmas Tree in such a way that each set of
bulbs of the same color makes an equilateral triangle... |
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Hexaframes |
Serhiy Grabarchuk, Jr. |
Four equal regular hexagons are
transparent with a thin outline, and they can form
different patterns when overlapped. The challenge is to
form the maximal number of additional regular hexagons.
What can be your best result?.. |
UniPuzzle.com |
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> |
Easy Flat Color Cube |
Peter Grabarchuk |
Eight flat tiles with images of 3D
colored unit cubes can be assembled so that they form a
flat shape looking like a 2x2x2 cube. Two different
challenges are proposed to baffle you with this
seemingly simple assembling puzzle... |
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The Tangramion |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
This is a new assembling puzzle
consisting of seven two-sided tiles which initially form
a perfect square. Using all the seven tiles, you can
solve different challenges both entertaining and
cognitive... |
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The Tangramboard Plus |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Tangramboard puzzle extended with an additional
checkered 3x3 Mini-Tangramboard makes quite a tricky
challenge. Its goal sounds simply: "Using all the 11
checkered tiles, assemble one big (5x5) checkered
square..." |
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Double-Bubble |
Peter and
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Assemble five rhombic tiles into
some shape so that five pairs of bubbles ("bubble
dipoles") appear. Trick is that no two "dipoles" should
be adjacent (having a common side), thought they can
contact at a corner... |
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One Magic Square |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Using 16 square tiles, assemble a 4x4
grid with a traditional magic squares 3x3 which includes
all the nine digits from 1 to 9. The digits are
stylized, and one of your challenges is to figure out
how they look like... |
UniPuzzle.com |
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> |
The Checkered TOY |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Using twelve checkered tiles, first
assemble a stylized word TOY. Then reassemble the tiles
into an 8x8 checkerboard. While the first puzzle is not
too difficult (just like a toy should be), you can find
the second one to be a hard nut to crack... |
UniPuzzle.com |
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> |
Tetramino Contours |
Peter Grabarchuk |
This puzzle consists of five
transparent tetraminoes with thin outlines. Tetraminoes
can be rotated, flipped over, and overlapped so that
they can make several layers. The object is to assemble
different shapes, using all the five contour tetraminoes
every time... |
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Tetramino Checkers |
Peter Grabarchuk |
Five transparent pieces contain
five different, two-colored tetramino shapes depicted on
them, a shape per piece. Your challenge is to stack them
all together so that a perfect checkerboard pattern
appears... |
UniPuzzle.com |
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Festive Ignition |
Serhiy Grabarchuk, Jr. &
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Twelve ornaments of four different
colors have to decorate a Christmas tree in a special
way which add more fun and ignition to your winter
holidays. Two simple rules may look baffling, but,
finally, you will be rewarded with a bright and perfect
pattern which starts New Year 2007. Also, it is the
first puzzle of a new puzzle website,
UniPuzzle.com... |
UniPuzzle.com |
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> |
The Contour Tangram |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
This puzzle is a modern version of
the old, good Tangram. It consists of seven transparent
pieces with thin outlines. Pieces can be rotated,
flipped over, and overlapped (partially or in full) so
that they can make several layers. The object is to
assemble different shapes... |
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