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Eight Knights In the Seven*

Chess Puzzles

by Serhiy Grabarchuk

Eight chess knights, four white and four black ones, are placed on the 7-like chessboard as shown in the Start diagram at left. Now, performing just normal knight’s moves from cell to cell of the chessboard, exchange the white and black knights as shown in the Goal diagram at right. Knights can leap to vacant cells only.

Can you exchange the knights in exactly twelve moves, counting a consecutive series of leaps of a knight as one move? Hint. To achieve this goal you should perform moves by knights of different colors alternately.

To move a knight simply click it first; then click a chosen free cell which the Knight should move to. Use "Undo" and "Redo" for the respective backward and forward moves of knights on the board in accordance with your solution. Once you solve the puzzle, or have some particular sequence of moves, you can use "Undo" and "Redo" to check all your moves. The Labels button can be helpful to check and note down your solution.
*) This puzzle is part of the seven-puzzle collection, Seven Puzzles for G4G7, developed specially for the Gift Exchange at the Seventh Gathering for Gardner (G4G7), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 16-19, 2006. It is published in the G4G7 Exchange Book, published by Gathering 4 Gardner, Inc. in 2007.
Several new chess puzzles can be found in my book,
The New Puzzle Classics: Ingenious Twists on Timeless Favorites, published by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. in 2005:
     -- Chapter 7: Tricky Moves, pages 204-209.
Also, a nice collection of chess puzzles is presented at
Puzzles.COM in its Puzzle Playground section.
Last Updated: December 3, 2009
Posted: October 26, 2007
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