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Chess Puzzles |
For many centuries different chess
puzzles which use a traditional chess board and
different chess pieces are known and well researched.
Here I'd like to present a collection of chess puzzles
of one particular type. These puzzles use specially
shaped chessboards (mostly, of small sizes) with some
sets of standard chess pieces which are moved exactly as
in the traditional chess, except that no pieces attack
or take each other, and there's no need to alternate
moves of black and white figures, unless otherwise is
Puzzle of this kind have a very long history, and among
the oldest of them are two well-known chess puzzles with
chess Knights on a 3x3 chessboard. One of them with
four Knights, two
white and two black, which should change their places in
the corners of the board, is often attributed to Paulo
Guarino (Guarini) di Forli (1512), but, actually, it's
even older - for more than six centuries. Another chess
puzzle dates back to the 13th century, and its object is
to place on 3x3 chessboard
seven Knights
performing this in a slightly tricky manner.
Like for other manipulative puzzles with
moving pieces,
your goal will be to reach some predetermined position
of your chess pieces as posed in the starting
instructions. Also, try to do it in the least number of
moves or steps.. |
Eight Knights in the Seven |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Eight chess knights, four white and
four black ones, are placed on the 7-like chessboard and
are going to swap their position. Can they do that in
exactly twelve moves, counting a consecutive series of
leaps of a knight as one move?.. |
go to puzzle > |
G-Knights Exchange |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Eight chess knights, four white and
four black, placed on the special G-chessboard
should exchange their position. Counting a consecutive
series of leaps of a knight as one move, can you swap
the knights in exactly eleven moves?.. |
go to puzzle > |
Updated: October 14, 2008
Posted: October 14, 2006 |