A Colorful Journey through Endless Patterns of Quick Wits |
Martin Gardner |
Martin Gardner
(1914 -- 2010) |
Martin Gardner
(1914-2010) was a unique and phenomenal Popularizer of
Science and Teacher who has taught how to love math
and science.
I've been thrilled to read his books and grasp his
wisdom since my very young ages. And I'm indebted to Martin
Gardner for every moments I knew him, for his friendly
and wise advices, and for opening to me thousands of ways to
the Puzzle Universe.
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Celebration of Mind V
During the second half of October,
2014 and the first week of November, 2014 the
fifth annual
G4G Martin Gardner Celebration of Mind
event will take place all around the World. This year the event
is comprised of more than five dozen events worldwide
which celebrate Martin Gardner's Centennial Jubilee, his
incomparable life and work, including magic, puzzles,
recreational math, Lewis Carroll, and the many other
topics he loved. Join this celebration party in any possible forms and
at places just next to you. More details can be found
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No one has a bigger influence on the Puzzle World
history and achievements than Martin Gardner. Also,
his interests covered many other fields such as Magic,
Mathematics, Philosophy, Science, and Literature. Every true puzzle lover knows
Martin Gardner first of all because of his excellent
puzzle books
which make a fantastic modern library of Recreational
On October 21, 2014 we celebrate Martin Gardner's
Centennial Jubilee.
The puzzle below is dedicated to Martin Gardner. |
The MG Coin Puzzle |
Serhiy Grabarchuk |
Seven coins form a stylized M.
Moving a coin at a time and observing a "double touch"
rule, rearrange the M into another stylized letter, G.
Could you achieve the goal in four single coin moves?... |
go to puzzle > |
Updated: October 21, 2014
Posted: October 20, 2009 |