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Sud3oku |
This is a version of a classic
Sudoku developed to play with special cards and cubes.
You have a set of 6x6 challenge cards ranged from
Beginner to Expert which can be placed on a 6x6 board
with 36 cells. Each card has different special signs
depicted on it within six outlined regions, and some of
its cells are cut out so that you have some free windows
in it. Also, you have 24 cubes; each of them has six
relief signs placed on its faces, one sign per face. |
The Sud3oku set: Box with 6x6 board, one of the
challenge cards, and cubes with signs.
A cube with six signs placed on its faces.
The six signs placed on each cube.
The object of the Sud3oku puzzle is to put in all free
cells of a chosen card necessary number of cubes so that
seeing from top you can see in each row, each column,
and each of the six regions a set of exactly six
different signs.
You can try one of the challenges directly on the 6x6
card shown below. Click the image of the card to go to a
new window with this card; then you can print it. |
Can you solve this challenge?