A Colorful Journey through Endless Patterns of Quick Wits |
Checkered Origami Patterns /
Checkered Tetramino Origami |

You have five Origami squares
(colored at one side, and white on the other), and five
respective checkered tetramino shapes, as shown.
Performing just "book" folds, get each checkered
tetramino in the minimal number of single folds. No
matter what pattern will be at the back of the final
tetramino, but the tetramino itself must be flat.
Similarly, after each fold every new shape must be flat
as well. The proportions of the tetraminoes may differ
from those shown. Numbers next to them indicate the
minimal folds necessary to perform them.
us if you can improve any of these results.
Updated: October 14, 2008
Posted: October 14, 2008 |