A Colorful Journey through Endless Patterns of Quick Wits |
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Brain Games Books and Puzzles
International Ltd. was founded in 1967 and is located
in Lincolnwood, IL. Their popular Brain Games book
series was developed to help men, women, and children
of all ages improve their memory, sharpen their
cognitive skills, and heighten their puzzle prowess.
Scientific research shows that exercising your brain
can make it function better, keeping your mind healthy
and fit at any age. Hence their motto: Lower Your
Brain Age in Minutes a Day! |
Celebration of Mind II |
On Friday, October 21, 2011, the
second annual
G4G Martin Gardner Celebration of Mind event took place all around the World.
This day would have been Martin Gardner's 97th Birthday,
and the simultaneous events worldwide celebrated his
incomparable life and work, including magic, puzzles,
recreational math, Lewis Carroll, and the many other
topics he loved. The
Gathering for Gardner Foundation welcomed everybody
to join this celebration party in any possible forms and
at places just next to you. More details can be found
here. |
read more > |
Play With Your Mind |
This website
features over 100 original mind games, puzzles,
brainteasers and IQ tests. If you haven't yet heard,
playing brain games exercises your cognitive abilities
and improves your brain fitness. So if you are looking
for a way to hone your mind, or to exercise your
special mental talents, take some time to explore
around, play some games, have some good clean fun ...
and become smarter in the process. |
Puzzle Fun |
Puzzle Fun is a
printed magazine devoted to the pentominoes and other
polyominoes. It was started by Rodolfo Kurchan in
1994, and published for six years in succession up to
the end of 2000. Now all of its issues are accessible in an
electronic format on the Puzzle Fun website. In
October of 2009 Puzzle Fun #23 appeared. Its main
theme is Blocking Polyominoes, and it contains a lot
of excellent challenges. |
Wood Frustrations |
Tom Lensch is a
puzzle collector and puzzle craftsman extraordinaire.
For almost two decades he makes different wooden
puzzles of the highest quality. These are
put-together, take-apart and interlocking puzzles
which have extremely pleasant look and enjoyable play.
Tom designs own puzzles, collaborates with many famous
puzzle designers, and attends different international
puzzle meetings. |
Ton Delsing - Puzzle Design |
Ton Desing
collects, designs, and produces different puzzles. His
website is devoted
exclusively for puzzle exchanges. If you see there some puzzle(s) you like to swap with Ton for some of yours,
send to him a message with pictures of your proposals
and tell him about your interest. Ton will let you know
which of your puzzle(s) he is interested in. Then your
exchange can be done. |
Tankenötter AB |
Erik Johansson
created many outstanding puzzles of different kinds.
Some of them look just like simple toys, but do not be
misled--quite unexpectedly they pose hard challenges.
Just try to disconnect two wooden rings; or pair beads
in a 4-bead necklace; or release a rope loop from a
wire tangle; or made a 2-3-4 burr; or build a
two-layered log pile. There is even much more to try
and be amazed with. |
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Last Updated:
March 1, 2011 |