A Colorful Journey through Endless Patterns of Quick Wits |
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Leo's Books /
Seven |
Seven: The Number for
Happiness, Love, and Success |
by Jacqueline Leo |
Jacqueline Leo is a media guru, who
has held a number of high-level positions in publishing
and television. Among them there are Child
magazine, Family Circle magazine, New York Times
Women's Magazine Group, Fitness magazine, ABC's
Good Morning America, Consumer Reports,
and Reader's Digest.
Her new book published by
Twelve (Hachette
Book Group) is fully devoted to the number seven,
and presents hundreds of interesting, fun, and amazing
facts about this truly unique and fabulous number which has been
played an incredible role and substantially influenced
the history of mankind, and is an integral part of
everyone's life.
Can you continue the following list so that you come up
with at least seven facts or phenomena about the number
1. Seven days of the week.
2. Seven colors of a rainbow.
3. . . .
4. . . .
5. . . .
6. . . .
7. . . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
The book also contains several puzzles, ancient through
modern, playing with the number seven.
More details about the book:
Twelve, 2009;
ISBN-10: 0446542695;
Hardcover; 272 pages; 9.3 x 6.3.
The book is available at most of big book stores all
over the World, both virtual and real, such as
Barnes & Noble or
Amazon.com. |
Updated: December 9, 2009
Posted: December 7, 2009 |